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Recent Paint out Album

Photos of artists at work or paintings executed at recent paint outs sponsored by PAPNM. PAPNM members may upload Paint Out images. Use Album Uploading Instructions.pdf or send image to a paint out chair (in Paint Outs) for uploading (including caption), with PAPNM Paint out Photo in the subject line.  Administrators reserve the right to remove photos.  Older (over a year old) photos will be moved to the Archived Paintout Album

Include the paint out location and date in the caption at least. Select the photo to enlarge.

59 photo(s) Updated on: 14 Apr 2024
  • Looking Up, 8x12 Oil/panel / Michael Chesley Johnson / Sandstone Bluffs Paint-Along, April 13, 2024
  • Sandstone Bluffs 12x12 oil/panel / Michael Chesley Johnson / Sandstone Bluffs Paint-Along, April 13, 2024
  • Sandstone Bluffs Paint-Along, April 13, 2024 (Michael Chesley Johnson pictured)
  • Sandstone Bluffs Paint-Along, April 13, 2024
  • Sandstone Bluffs Paint-Along, April 13, 2024
  • Sandstone Bluffs Paint-Along, April 13, 2024
  • Sandstone Bluffs Paint-Along, April 13, 2024
  • Sandstone Bluffs Paint-Along, April 13, 2024
  • Sandstone Bluffs Paint-Along, April 13, 2024
  • From the Oct 21, 2023, paintout in Ramah, New Mexico. Ramah Lake. Six painters!
  • From the Oct 21, 2023, paintout in Ramah, New Mexico. Ramah Lake.
  • From the Oct 21, 2023, paintout in Ramah, New Mexico. Ramah Lake. "The Delicateness of Autumn" 8x10 Oil/Panel by Michael Chesley Johnson.
  • Michael Chesley Johnson On-Location
  • Ginny Bracht On-Location
  • Sandstone Bluffs Paintout, 3/18/2023
  • 5x8 gouache/Michael Chesley Johnson
  • 5x8 gouache/Michael Chesley Johnson
  • Sandstone Bluffs, March 12, 2022, by Sheila Kaplan, organized by Michael Chesley Johnson
  • Sandstone Bluffs with lava fields in the background. March 12, 2022
  • Michael Chelsea Johnson painting at Sandstone Bluffs on March 12, 2022
  • "Vertical Drop" 9x12 oil / Michael Chesley Johnson / Sandstone Bluffs Paintout, March 12, 2022
  • "Bluff" 9x12 oil / Michael Chesley Johnson / Sandstone Bluffs Paintout, March 12, 2022
  • Michael Chesley Johnson / Sandstone Bluffs Paintout, March 12, 2022 / Photo: Trina Stephenson
  • Sandstone Bluffs Paintout, March 12, 2022 / Photo: Michael Chesley Johnson
  • Ken Foster / Sandstone Bluffs Paintout, March 12, 2022 / Photo: Michael Chesley Johnson
  • Sandstone Bluffs Paintout, March 12, 2022 / Photo: Trina Stephenson
  • Helen McComas / Sandstone Bluffs Paintout, March 12, 2022 / Photo: Trina Stephenson
  • Los Poblanos is a treasured jewel in Los Ranchos, NM: lavender fields, large sunflowers, luxurious cottages and fine dining. PAPNM Paint Out, Aug 2019. Watercolor 10 x 14", Wendy Ahlm.
  • August 21, 2021, Jemez Paint Out. Thank you Susan for sharing your home and property. Ruan B.
  • August 21, 2021, Jemez Paint Out. Ruan B.
  • August 21, 2021, Jemez Paint Out. Fantastic views. Thanks again Susan. Ruan B.
  • PAPNM Members painting at the Lavender Market in Los Rancho on July 25, 2021. Photo courtesy of Ginny Bracht.
  • PAPNM Members painting at the Lavender Market in Los Rancho on July 25, 2021. Photo courtesy of Ginny Bracht.
  • Cerrillos Heat - 9x12 Oil/Panel - Michael Chesley Johnson
  • At the June 19, 2021 Cerrillos Hills State Park paintout. The gnats were terrible! I had to stuff bit of paper toweling in my ears to keep them out.
  • Handy tips to defend against pesky gnats: Deet-Free REPEL plus paper toweling stuffed in the ear canals.
  • Placita, NM, April 3, 2021, James Trigg
  • Placita, NM, April 3, 2021, James Trigg
  • Placita, NM, April 3, 2021, James Trigg
  • In the Shadows, 9x12, oil/panel by Michael Chesley Johnson
  • Tina Little
  • Pam Davis
  • Michael Chesley Johnson
  • Wendy Ahlm
  • Michael Chesley Johnson
  • Jay Leutwyler
  • South Narrows Picnic Area Paintout 3/20/21, Grants NM
  • Michael Chesley Johnson & Raku
  • Getting out in all weather builds endurance! (Photo by Stephanie West)
  • Ramah Lake Paintout 9/26/2020
  • Path to the Lake 9x12 Oil by Michael Chesley Johnson
  • Ramah Lake Paintout 9/26/2020
  • Ramah Lake Paintout 9/26/2020
  • Ramah Lake Paintout 9/26/2020 - Michael Chesley Johnson
  • Ramah Lake Paintout 9/26/2020
  • Ramah Lake Paintout 9/26/2020
  • I was the only artist at the printout at Lamy this morning. It was sunny but very cold. This is one of the two paintings I did today.
  • Lamy today at the Paintout. I was the only artist there, which is too bad because the sun was bright and sometimes warm. It was, however, very cold.
  • 9th National Juried Member Show Paintout location, Leonora Curtin Wetlands, Santa Fe, NM>

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P. O. Box 20503
Albuquerque, NM

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PAPNM Treasurer
P.O. Box  1948
Santa Fe, NM

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